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Access to the Right Person
India has the third largest pool of skilled manpower. Employers in the Middle East are aware of this fact, but the delay and difficulties to get the 'right person’ always disappoints them.
The seventies saw the construction boom in the Middle East, and it was required to recruit a very large number of workers from India. During this
period, a number of travel agents and traders jumped on the recruitment bandwagon. Their total lack of knowledge of human resources management and their total lack of experience in recruiting was not an obstacle at all. The reason being the Middle East employers required only semi-skilled categories like Masons, Carpenters, RCC Fitters etc. The highly skilled workers and engineers were sourced from Europe and USA.
To recruit such categories of workers, NO professional approach was required. All it took was contacts in Middle East and the willingness to offer hospitality to interviewing delegates on their visit to India. These recruiting agents were devoid of any skillful learning themselves and were eminently qualified to cater to such demands.
The industrialization of Middle East started in all earnest during the eighties, reaching its peak during the nineties. Now the employment scenario was changed and it brought forth new job parameters. To achieve competitiveness, the employers started looking towards highly skilled and management cadres in India and the American / European personnel started being replaced by Indians. There was a basic strength in this argument : Indian manpower is cheaper cost-wise and Indians can easily adapt to the Arab cultural mores.
Today there are a lot of Indians in the top management levels throughout the Middle East.
Most of such "recruitment agents" were naturally, a failure to cope with the new standards of skilled personnel. The reason was profoundly simple. The recruitment of skilled workers is NOT the job of travel agents or traders, it is the job of management experts who are specialized in HR management.
Unless an employer gets a right person, it harms the productivity. Many employers who source their manpower through such travel agents and traders had to face the inevitable setbacks. When the work suitability itself is compromised, the end-result can be quite damaging.
The delay in getting a proper candidate and the compromise formula guaranteed lower productivity and even loss.
Here InterManagement is a helping hand to you. InterMangement launched their placement division in 1970 to cater manpower requirements of multinational and blue-chip companies in India. It took ten years of dedicated service to be acknowledged by Indian corporate houses and to be called the best manpower sourcing team by the industry.
InterManagement started their overseas placement division in 1980, though it was not on their agenda. A US based company in Saudi Arabia was interested to recruit Indian manpower and they queried their Indian subsidiary to identify the ideal recruiting agency in India. The Indian subsidiary strongly recommended InterManagement since they were servicing all their requirements in India and they already had a six year long trouble- free relationship. This was the first overseas recruitment contract for InterManagement and the success story has continued ever after.
Once you appoint InterManagement as your recruiting agent, you can rest assured that the task is given to an expert in the field and it is safe in their professional hands.